Friday, September 22, 2006


That is me when i was in adelaide you know. I came back and i lose so much weight! everyweek 1 Kg! help.!!! come back to singapore I lose my command of english and weight! my assets are gone again!
Thats loaunne, haha. Same wavelength. I feel you lulu. You know what i mean. God. Two chilli padis today. haha
Ok people, this hot chic is like the previous owner of my phone now. haha. ooppsss.
The hamster pic is like my roomies hamster which ran out of its cage and got stuck in the cupboard. We pried open the cupboard to save it from death. so stupid!

Thats TAN with her nice teeth! god makes me wanna go do braces.

This cute boy beside me is clarence the bear. D to the B. you know. haha. if he looks familiar means u seen him in my previous entries. not because you seen him on the streets on sg or aussie. k. haha
OH! this pic shows where the stupid hamster got stuck in. We broke the cupbboards to save it. haha.

ALright. this is a very abstract piece. The dog is trying to cross the road and the cars are trying to drive. The dog hesitates and waits for the car and the car does the same.. haha. funny right. shows my situation with D. dunno whether to move or not to move.

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