Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I have very good friends.

Well, I am generally a very friendly person. Though work has taken alot of me and my social life when I was in Meltwater for the past year or so.

That aside. 
Now, It seems that many are very mistaken about the very occupation of a planner. Many are answering the call with a "twang" that I have never ever heard of when I called them in the past. "Yes~ You call me~~ Why ah~?" zzzzzzzz. Which is kinda weird by any standards. sometimes, it does put me off. But yes, I understand how you feel too.

Guys Girls, the profession in itself has been on going for donkey years, don't let your pre-conceived notions determine what you may or may not hear from someone else. We all know, bad stories spread further than the good ones. 坏事传千里 Triumphant stories are belittled and labelled, in many ways that the human mind can conceive. ("oh cos he is a salesman la", "oh cos she looks good la", "oh cos she has a rich god mother la", "oh cos he knows a lot of bosses la", etc) Look, people like us, will do well no matter what, it's just a matter we do well together with you. We chose to do well, with you in the picture.  Does that makes sense to you?

Do understand we can call the many others we know or even not know. 

I come from a background where I can make 150 calls a day easily, sometimes even more. I can do that easily.  

But I chose you. Because you are worth it.

1 comment:

chudexs said...

nice blog ,,this is my first time i visit your site...hope i'll learn much about information on your site..regards