Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Word & Work

words said previously now mean nothing now.

i still know not what to do with this.


works been bringing me on a roller coaster.
realizing that I am always deciding on things without knowing the real deal.
i am a person led by passion. I would consider myself being an intuitive person.
that sometimes may not be too good. but it helps u to decide.
following your heart. they say. that leads you to know that you won't be regretting what you decide upon.

sometimes we think too much about what is happening in the present and get logged down by what might happen in the future. cliche as it may sound. living the life you have now is important, cos it is present. something like that la.

so i guess what i want to say is.. yes u somehow see the future of how your life might be. but if the future doesnt look that bright ... does it mean u dont live and love your present?

tomorrow will be a better day.

god bless u guys out there.

thanks jayden. I still remember u.

1 comment:

clar said...

Thanks RYAN. I still remember you. I won't forget you.