downunder with don, bernard, king . germany costa rica match. saw raimund and vitali there. they are the germans that i met the first few weeks of school! haha. they are crazy man.
finally she listens to the cd that I preped nicely. I am really elated. maybe tomorrow... hide and seek... my fav. she likes it. :)
I wasnt telling the truth again. but to the two i met with oj. I am sorry mates.
I am seriously a hopeless romantic. regardless of what people think of me. on the contrary, I am not what you think I am. :) I am hard to understand. even I don't understand myself.
"take it as a summer romance" said my dear boy. maybe, maybe, I am seriously a hopeless romantic.
listen to "I know who you are but what am I" by Mogwai , softly.... its therapeutic to the soul.
tonight starkly reminded me the times when I found Zouk pointless. think i have reached saturation once more.
the wicker park soundtrack is really quite good. its so sad. haha. heals the melancholic. licks you gently. "How to be dead" by Snow Patrol
"flowers in december" by Mazzy Star. I think I should go live in a dream where I can meet the ONE.
many say its the way I talk, but its just me, the way I talk is just the way I talk. and some even say its the way I look. what look?! I am true to the one I am with! period. sentiments? anyone? haha.
I have a new housemate now. from korea. called kim eeu hwan. poor chap is failing all his modules here and is always sulking in his room. I feel like getting him out of his rut. but I feel lazy and demoralized like him. though I am better off in comparison. He does nothing. hides in his small fuck tup room just like mine and ... god knows what he does. I feel guilty. maybe I should do something. I dunno.
I have been looking for Bill Berry for so many days. have yet to find my preacher from King George Square. Bill where are you? I want to return your precious book to you so you can look at your daughter. I feel so much on my shoulders holding onto your book. God please help me find your sheep. I have been trying everytime for the past 4 weeks. looking for him. I am worried. People don't understand how important it is to me to return it to u and how it is so dear to you Bill. I want it in your arms before I leave Brisbane. god please help.
its already 6.02am I am still awake.
I think I am too conscious of that stupid tiff with her. dumb. Let it go.
"Everybody is Someone" By Lifehouse.
So many people I am meeting here. are putting themselves down before they give a shot at themselves. you can change what you think you would become. I know its cheesy. But people, "it's in your hands" you can do it if you put your conviction to it.
looking at dear boy feeling vexed makes me feel empty. haha. i have noone to be vexed for and abt. hehe. be true my boy. i respect you for that. u cant F the world if your were alone. but now. be true. like me.
It amazes me that the brazilians can take a huge part of their life off to just go surfing. and nothing else. just surf for 3 weeks. eat shit surf, eat shit surf sleep, eat shit surf shit. truly amazing. and the step brothers are really close. this stumped me and then I reconsidered the idea again and I was amazed once again. "brothers look out for one another" no matter what. :)
its starts from your legs, probably because its the biggest muscles with the most nerves. think so. well it crawls up slowly to your torso before it gets to the nerves in your head.
time stays the same. it equates to normal flow of time. images put forth to you are enhanced only to your recognition. rogue traders plays a wicked tune. something that sounds better than it was. no. its really the song thats nice. really.
thirst overwhelms, chewing on the umpteen gum that is also creating so much thirst. chewing hard and moving to the beat.
dirty south is truly amazing! truly amazing. bump bump pa pump. man.
sights become mint in the view of your closed eyes. in the darkness, images are crisp and clear. I wonder why. I question.
you feel astigmatism for the while. Cheers to your exercises that reinforce the feel. truly, trust me. :P
the 24 hours or so, your eyes are clear and distinct as with cosmetic lenses. ju ohn in the making. for just that day
Alright. Dong, Alvin ong yinyi, and whoever that loves to dance. I think you guys should go to australia. For the first time ever, I see a dance battle happening in a club. for real. yes! there was a host. he is a kick ass beat-boxer. apart from the dance battle which none of the darn good dancers danced in, the night was a chilled one. yeah. dong, you trash them here. I even trash them. haha. well, it was a good chilled night with crazy gwen, good jon and ham sup marcio from brazil! haha. nice ole fun. yeah.