Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I was just thinking

Am I less hurt this time as compared to the last? No , not really. I m in fact, more hurt than the last. But I just think this is too much for me to consider tearing. I cannot fathom myself bearing with the situation of what I have got myself into.

I see myself to be a successful person in the future in life, in love, in work.
I look forward to my own family with kids, n my lovely wife. I look forward to be financially independent. I look forward to growing old with my friends.

God please help me.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Well it's been a while....

Sorry folks for being off the radar for so long.

I m back to rantings about things in my life.

Now that blogger is on the iPhone. I can blog whenever I feel like it. Don't need to turn on the laptop anymore.

Dear friends, I miss u all. I have been really busy and distracted with other things. But I am back! And this time I hope I can take more of your time reading my rants and 2 cents worth of life.

Things have been rocky for me the past couple of months. But the most significant thing (for those who don't now me well enough, I rank relationships very high in my priority in life) I have said something rashly and kinda lost someone to me dearly. To her I want to say.

爱你不需要理由,也不用条件。我没有你的把柄,我不能给你你的Spass,但是我给你的真爱,没有任何人能取代。眼里含着泪珠的我,只能答应你我会爱着你。虽然旁观者都觉得我笨。但是我说过,你是我要的那个。没有你任何的把柄,那就是真爱,因为爱情不是个交换,而是个共存。不能说没有你我活不下去,因为这世界上不会有这种事情。我也不会知道会不会再找到象你这样让我这么痴情,那么无法止吧的爱的一个人。虽然你说要理解,你爸也说要理解,我也知道要理解。但看到你这样,我理解了,我还是心疼你的。我不能说你现在做的是对或错。因为我理解了,不能去断定或下道德观念,因为"do not judge, for one day you will be judged and you won't like it"


