Things are happening around that make u sad and down sometimes. right?
There is more to to things in life than harping on setbacks and things that put you emotionally or physically down.
Its how we pick ourselves from from the dust and work towards making things better.
Doing bad at work... pep yourself up and move on to the next task to prove yourself better.
Having a lousy time developing a good friendship with one of your "friends"... invest your time in other friends that have the time for you. it would 1. do you good. 2. expand your social circle. 3. do your other friends good cos you are a serious friend.
being brought a few notches down due to something at home... pep yourself up cos people around you genuinely do care for you and want you to be strong as well. cos when they've seen that you are beginning to cope better with things, things would soon come easier for you and your friends to come back to your life.
there are better things in life to do than to harp on negative things. as edmund says. focus on the positive energy and the positive karma will flow to you. focus on the negative and you would attract all the negative energy around you.
I rather be in the former. have to try to stay out of the negative cloud. so should everyone else.